Correctional Control Services Archives Wiki
"I am not a doctor. I am a surgeon. Sometimes, there is a difference."
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Proper Name Charles Glass
Homotype human, engineered?
Gender Male
Age Mid-40s
Planet of Origin 82.G.E-e, Eridanus Gold
Ethnicity Omnian
Appearance tall, severe, intense
Body Art OT-Code at base of neck
Wounds/Scars very faint scarring along trapezius.
Augmentations cranial computer, infolink, sonar auditory augmentation
Sounds like monotonous and dismissive
Rap Sheet
Clearance Yellow
Criminal History aggravated assault, theft of corporate property, destruction of corporate property
Affiliation Notably anti-gang.
Prison Work History assistant to Doctor Post
Behavioral Tendencies violently defensive of non-gang-affiliated inmates, typically intervening in favor of an underdog. Glass often bodily carries injured inmates he discovers to the Infirmary.
Dr. Post's Notes Cannot identify parts of Glass' physiology.
Outside History
Corporate Affiliation Omni-Med
Profession surgeon
Rank or Position Glory and Redemption
Cell, Contraband, Etc
Village Yellow
Armaments none. Glass defends himself with hand-to-hand combat.