Correctional Control Services Archives Wiki

One of many folding swords.

Always Ready[]

ggCommon among the criminal element, a folding sword is one of any number of holdout blades that either extend or unfurl to a fuller length. Usually using microgyros or some other low-power motivator to assist in the expansion and collapse of the blade, a folding sword is often kept in a quick-release bracer or other easily-accessed position on the owner's body.

Self Defense[]

Many users of a folding sword grow accustomed to using it in the instant it is unfolded, making it a selection of choice for surprise attacks. Typically, the weapon is used as a tool of 'self defense' only by those who define preemptive aggressive action as a means of defense.


  • Damage: A folding sword does 2d4+1+db Slashing damage. If attacking in the same instant the sword is triggered to unfold, it delivers an additional 1d4 damage from the force of extension or unfurling.
  • Charge: Most folding swords keep a standard small plasma cell in the hilt, which capably powers the sword for two to three years of intermittent use.
  • Disclaimer: Keep hands and fingers away from the blade, particularly when it is being expanded or collapsed.