Correctional Control Services Archives Wiki
Mayfield Genetic Enterprises
MayGenE logo
Database Information
Persons of Interest Spezzler Mayfield, Corporate Heir, currently exiled
Type Private
Traded As MayGenE
Industry Genetic Engineering; limb and "special" grafts
Founded 3724CE
Founders Wernstrom Mayfield
Headquarters Mayfield Prime
Revenue ISK 90 billion
Employees 87 million
Subsidiaries None


Mayfield Genetic Enterprises was formed when disgruntled scientist Wernstrom Mayfield stole nearly a sixteenth of Tyrell Corp's classified genemaps with the intent of selling it to freelancers and smaller corporations. His accomplice, a manimal janitor named John Goatmann, convinced him to instead use the maps to start his own business. Goatmann and Mayfield, along with almost a dozen other Tyrell employees, abruptly left the company and made for a remote region of space far from Tyrell control.

When Tyrell authorities finally caught up with the criminals, a cunning betrayal by Mayfield assured that Goatmann would be implicated in all the charges, leaving Mayfield and the rest of what would soon become Mayfield Genetic Enterprises free and clear. It is unknown what became of Goatmann, but Mayfield and his team were able to find an uninhabited planet on which to settle, which would later become Mayfield Prime.

The truth of MayGenE's conception was not revealed until several centuries later when the theft had been all but forgotten and the company had grown into a power of its own right. Mayfield recalled the chain of events with nostalgia, joking that Goatmann's name should be changed to 'Scapegoatmann.'