Correctional Control Services Archives Wiki
"We work the steel, because humans - real humans - should control the metal."
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Proper Name Owen Mutch
Aliases "Mutt", Xavier Kells, Owen Ludd
Homotype recessive human
Gender Male
Age Mid-40s
Planet of Origin PC-117, ProxCent Prime
Ethnicity Trismalian
Appearance average height, sooty, in heat-resistant gear
Body Art Blacklight reticles around either eye
Wounds/Scars facial scars drag his mouth into a perpetual frown, intrusive scarring from aclinical surgery to remove augmentations.
Augmentations Augmentations have been redacted.
Sounds like gravelly, coarse, and earnest
Rap Sheet
Clearance Red
Criminal History corporate treason, conspiracy to commit arson, destruction of corporate property, destruction of ICC property, tax evasion
Affiliation The Founders
Prison Work History foundry overseer
Behavioral Tendencies extremely condescending to augmented individuals, highly distrustful of psychics. curiously okay with gene-engineering.
Dr. Post's Notes Mutch has a brain tumor, on his hippocampus.
Outside History
Corporate Affiliation Tri-Optimum Terra-Optimum
Profession terraforming systems operator and coordinator
Rank or Position LTC
Cell, Contraband, Etc
Village Foundry
Armaments Founder-tooled autoriveter, slag shovel