A terrorist organization originating on Volagro in Mayfieldian space. The movement was originally formed by disaffected baseline humans and MayGenE Aberrations to lobby for better working conditions and equal treatment. It has since become a violent terrorist organization whose agenda seems to be to eradicate the MayGenE way of life.
Membership in the organization is open to anyone lacking mechanical or nano augmentations, though in truth, gene-aberrations with one or two augmentations are tolerated, as they suffer the same prejudice regardless of their enhancements.
Of note, Spezzler Mayfield is a convicted benefactor of the movement.
"To think that consciousness begins with the mind. This is folly, for it is not the organ of consciousness. It is an interpreter. It inflects consciousness to a certain direction, a certain set of purposes. The whole consciousness exists within both mind and body, and our whole world is informed by this consciousness."
"Our mind, is a secondary organ. It's a secondary organ of a total human being. And it must not put itself in control. It must submit and serve the humanity of the body. To discard the body and keep the mind is folly, for without the body the mind is an empty shell."
"It is important to live life with a knowledge of its mystery and your own mystery. It gives life a balance, a harmony to do this. To excercise dominance of the mind in the removal of the body is to defy your own mystery and that of life. It is to say that you know the body's worth, and it is nothing. This is folly, for without the value of the body, there is no value of the self."
"What you regard as the aim of your life, may be that which confines you. If it is simply following what the environment enforces, it certainly confines you. The environment is your enemy, as it reflects within yourself. The environment that exists without the body reflects within all Mayfieldians who submit. This is folly, as your enemy that reflects within you, your inhumanity, is what should be excised from your whole consciousness."