You are able to secrete and apply an explosive gel in modest quantities and remotely detonate it. This can be applied quickly for a relatively small explosion, or over time for more intense demolitions. If it is not detonated within ten to fifteen minutes, it becomes inert.
- Rank 1 - Able to produce one charge at a time.
- Rank 2 - Able to produce two charges and track both separately, detonating specifically one or the other.
- Rank 3 - Able to produce three charges and track all three separately, detonating specifically any one of the three.
When a charge is exhausted, it takes the body an hour to reproduce the gel. The gel has a particularly unpleasant flavour, but otherwise looks identical to blueberry jam.
The gel's explosion, while potent for the relative ease with which it can be produced, is nowhere near as powerful as conventional demolition-grade explosives, much less military-grade materials. The shock from its explosion does 2D6 damage with a one-yard burst; outside of that burst, it does have a kinetic effect but does no real damage.